Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wk05 logo design concept phase

The title screen I took inspiration from is Xenoblade Chronicles. The title screen is fairly simple. It shows mostly the environment, and a main gameplay aspect in the center of the screen.

For my title screen, I decided to show a moonlit field, with a tree in the background. For animation, the moon will gradually change phases, and the wind will blow through the grass, and shakes leaves from the tree. The background is the moon and sky. The mid-ground elements are the tree and the grass. The foreground element is the logo.


  1. the composition is really slick and sexy. the contrast just adds the coolest effect. i would be careful with the blowing leaves not to let it look too uniform. in your concept it looks more like a swarm of moths. i would suggest having fewer leaves and having them swirl around a bit and maybe make some loops.

  2. also maybe add something in the grass like some black leaves falling onto the white grass. i think it would even better highlight the contrast and add movement to the picture
