Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wk04 Mood Board Concept Phase

This is a mood board for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. It is a very dark game with Gothic elements. The colors are mostly dark with the exception of the highlights towards the center of the image. The game is one of my favorites, and many of the concepts inspired the game I am currently working on. Since the game is very dark it is only natural that it uses dark colors.

Next is the mood board for the gauntlet. The gauntlet will most likely be the color of dark worn-out metal. The gem in the center will be clear when not in use, and will change color depending on the attack.

The basic color scheme for the environment will be different shades of black and white. The only color will be supplied by things the player can interact with such as enemies or treasures.

The antagonists will be wearing dark cloaks, and possibly white masks. Color will come in during boss fights but only for their attacks. Other than that its pretty much the same dark color scheme.

As I'm sure you noticed by now all of these pictures have the same color schemes. Black background, white text, and red header. The only variation comes from the outside pictures. So the color scheme for the game will most likely follow this pattern.  

1 comment:

  1. youre keeping a more or less uniform color scheme throughout which helps to convey the overall tone of the project. you seem to know where you're going with the art style.
