Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wk02 Rock, Paper, Scissors concept phase

So here are ten thumbnails for Rock Paper Scissors, most of them are pretty basic. Around number 7 I decided to add a slogan for the game. Something like "Which Will You Choose?" or "The Game of Kings". My favorite is probably number 7 as it uses all available space with the header, three pictures, the introduction and rules, and the slogan.

Below are the three images I plan to use, they're pretty self-explanatory. I'm looking to keep it simple, maybe use the idea in thumbnail number 5 having arrows designating what beats what.


  1. I like sketches 1 and 4 because it really separates the text and has a good balance. They also look like they'd be easy to follow.

  2. 3 is my favorite. It seems like a more common design but I really liked the way you put it together.

  3. I really like the 5th template because of how different it is, i also liked the 3rd one for simplicity

  4. I am loving the design number 8, more so than any other design I've seen. The fact that the pictures and slogan take up the top and middle help to catch attention easily. Then, they will be enticed to read the simple text borders on the sides. Awesome job.

  5. I like sketch #5 and I feel that instead of the Title, you just put the slogan instead. I feel like the slogan will do a better job of capturing the viewers attention because it's something they can remember and find catchy rather than a traditional title.
