Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Logo upgrade research phase

 This week I wanted to upgrade my logo design. I mostly want to make the general shape more complex so I am using the Castlevania logo for reference. I might also experiment with a different font, and some sort of texture on the moon.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pixel assignment upgrade

 For the upgrade I decided to make the tree less symmetrical. I also added vines using maya. I decided to keep some color in the vines so that they would stand out and actually look like they are supposed to. Overall I think it came out better than the original, but not necessarily perfect.



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Upgrade Research

The project I plan on updating is the pixel building project. For that project I did a large dead tree. To upgrade it I plan to make it less symmetrical and more natural looking. For the reference image I used artwork of Faron Woods from The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. I plan to keep the original color scheme of black white and grey, but I plan to add more detail to the tree and the background.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Maze texturing final phase

For the final project I didn't really add anything texture wise because I was happy with what I had, I just improved the overall lighting, and added two props. The green sphere acts as the key, and it is the same code texture as the locked door just less transparent. The other sphere acts as an enemy the player must avoid. It is a simple grid texture with the fire paint affects added.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Maze upgrade research phase

For upgrading the maze, I decided to make it more like The Space Paranoids in Kingdom Hearts 2, and The Grid in Kingdom Hearts 3d. Both of the worlds are based on the Tron franchise, which seems to fit with the theme of my maze project. Overall I plan on improving the lighting and colors of the maze.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Final Maze

I went with the easy maze design, because I had the most work done on it. I think it came out well. As planned I used the blue texture for the walls, the and the red texture for the floor. I decided to use a different texture for the ceiling which can be seen over the unused areas of the maze.